Jazz Cow is an animated situation Comedy about a Jazz Playing Cow who reluctantly leads a group of artists, poets and misfits in resisting Big Tech guru Dr Popp and his world of algorithms and fake filters.

Jazz Cow’s Cast

We’ve got some Brilliant Actors lined up to work on the Jazz Cow.

Neiko Neal, originally from the vibrant East Coast city of New London, Connecticut, and later raised in Delaware, has established himself as a multifaceted talent in the arts. From a young age, Neal demonstrated a natural curiosity and enthusiasm towards creative pursuits working in acting, modelling and photography.  He has been based in Los Angeles where he acts and does voiceover work with dedication to growing in the craft. His commitment to his craft and his passion for the arts drive him to explore new opportunities and inspire others in the creative community.

Silas Hawkins as Dr Popp

Dr Popp is the master of ceremonies, somewhere between Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. He’s not writing the code (he’s got his coder Bash808 for that), but he realises how important it is and is always two steps ahead of everyone. He doesn’t think he’s the bad guy. He’s the paternalist who is trying to make the world easier, more convenient, cheaper and faster, with only your thumbprint needed, at a more affordable price, payable monthly and your PIN code will be sent to your phone via Text. Dr Popp has done the thinking for you – and his algorithms are there to deliver you exactly what you want at the moment you think you feel you want it. Even though it was, kind of, his idea. He is very popular but is very insecure and is always fishing for compliments. He loves conformity because he doesn’t like the disorder and chaos that comes from free thinking. He has a misplaced fear of people being offended, so he tried to make his music as inoffensive as possible, which ironically has the reverse effect. Why his strange appearance, he has had so many body modifications to keep himself ‘young’ and enhancements to be more in sync with tech. He has removed his own ears! 

Jess Robinson is a multi-award-winning impressionist, actor, voice artist, and classically trained singer. Known for her work as the lead female voice artist on the new Spitting Image and as a regular on Channel 4’s The Last Leg, she has performed at the Edinburgh Fringe every year since 2014, including the hit show NO FILTER.  Jess has played the title role in Little Voice, toured with The Guilty Feminist, and appeared on TV shows like Horrible Histories, The Last Leg, The Week That Wasn’t, and The Imitation Game. Her voice talents have been featured in numerous podcasts, UK and US animations, video games, and she even sang the theme tune for Horrible Histories: The Movie. Jess also gained fame on Britain’s Got Talent in 2017, where her audition video went viral.

Anil Desai as Papa Moose Brown

Papa-Moose the Drummer. The Thrillseeker and coiled spring, always looking for something new and exciting. But loyal to Jazz Cow and the club – even if it means having to adapt his amazing drum solos to incorporate coded Morse code messages.

Luly Perez studied acting in Venezuela and performed in a number of Latin American films and TV shows before moving to the UK, after a career break she has done a series of short films, theatre performances, and musical comedies. 

Francis Foster as Pooperscooper

Pooper-Scooper, the purist and the pedant who won’t let anything go and has to be right. But you need someone around with an eye for detail and who can see what Dr Popp is up to. This guy doesn’t miss a thing. Pooper scooper is Tall and stretchy so the bass is almost like a cello for him.